Afro-American Studies Project

Afro American Studies created storyboards for a slave era poem.

Here was our process:

·       Day One:  Read Different Poems and determine the Central Idea & Evidence to prove the central idea

 ·       Day Two: Analyze the poem “Slave Mother” by Francis Ellen Watkins Harper for central idea and evidence to prove central dea

 ·       Day Three:
o   Learn what storyboards are and pick a verse of “Slave Mother” to draw a story board for and create a rough draft.

·       Day 4 and 5
o   Create storyboards!

Below is our finished project.  

The student body is invited to evaluate 

the poem on their own to interpret the 

Central Idea and cite evidence. 

Just grab the entry sheet in the blue folder 
and turn it into Mrs. Sia

The winner will receive a prize! 

