NMAAHC Thank You Letter

The students who attended the NMAAHC Field Trip were so grateful for the experience, they felt compelled to write thank you letters to our benefactor Ms. Arline.

Here is one of their letters.

Dear Ms. Arline,  

I am very grateful to you for donating the tickets that permitted me to experience the National Museum of African American History & Culture. I was very pleased to have admired all their culture, their music, how they dressed, their sport, everything.  I learned a lot about African Americans from their slavery to their freedom as they developed, and formed their own lifestyle.

Much of what was there my teacher Mrs. Sia had taught, and we studied in class; this occurred once we started walking around the museum.  When I was in the museum I felt a deep connection because everything was so real, the videos, the artifacts and the displays.

Thank you very much for inviting me to the National Museum of African American History & Culture.

Here are some photos that I took that I would love to share with you.

With Gratitude,

Angelys R.
Grade 10
