Mock Trials

In our US I classes, we used mock trials (inspired by Mr. Boettcher & Mr. Silver) to show how the Bill of Rights can affect our real lives.  

The students loved it!

Here, Zion & Kalonji passionately debate about this case: 
Eric Banner is a member of the Organized Militia of the State of New Jersey. This organization is a federally recognized militia and abides by all federal laws and regulations with respect to federal firearms limitations. All members of this militia take an oath to protect the state as well as the nation against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. The members of this militia all own AR-15 rifles that are built by the militia’s armorer, who adheres to strict federal regulation.
Recently the State of New Jersey imposed a ban on these rifles citing that the group posed a threat to the citizens of NJ. The state sent the state police anti-terrorism task force to seize the weapons and arrest the militia members.
Was this justified?
Consider the evidence:
·      All rifles were built to federal specifications.
·      The Organized Militia of the State of New Jersey members took an oath to defend the citizens of New Jersey and the United States.
·      The militia members surrendered the rifles and themselves without incident. 

African American Studies heard about the Mock Trails and wanted to do them as well.  So we spent some time debating Loving v Virginia.

The positions:  Jameer is trying to defend the no interracial matrimony law, Stanley is defending the right to marry any race.

Thanks for stopping by!
