3rd Marking Period Scholars

Congratulations to 3rd Marking Period's A students

Adriana Amador-Chacon

Jasmine Melendez
Tiffany Ramirez

Jameer Terrell
Joel Miranda
Irving Santana
L to R: Jameer, Irving, Joel

Keep up the great work!

Our honorable mention students who earned a B are:

Oma'yah Hymon-Cherry
Janaya Vasquez
Victor Garcia
Alishe Carroll
Tayla Alford
Jose Vargas
L to R: Janaya, Tayla, Victor

Samantha Figueroa
Angery Collado
Alyssa Martin
Nilahja Badie

Jessica Lavour
Courtney Davis
Sheimary Ayala

L to R: Sheimary, Jessica, Courtney

Raymond Sanchez
Jose Araica

Stanley King
Raul Santos
L to R: Stanley, Raul
