Keeping Up With Technology

In 2017 we have supercomputers in the palm of our hands, so why are schools so technologically behind?

When I was in High School Google and cell phones didn't exist.  Yet we still had a student-led morning news program that aired on every CRT-TV in the school.

When I was in High School computers were only good for creating word documents, chat rooms and emails.  Yet we still had a computer class where we learned typing and computer usage basics.

Now that I'm a teacher, I struggle to find even the technology of the 1990s in the high school where I teach.  

  • Our morning announcements are over the intercom by adults.  
  • The auditorium has a sound system, but it's so poor that assemblies take place in the cafeteria instead.  
  • The only technology in my classroom is a smartboard and a single laptop.
    • When I asked for a desktop, the request was rejected.

If you search for any historic subject on youtube, you'll find videos made by students for school projects and video lectures made by teachers for their students.  Both are wonderful ways to bring learning and technology together, but in my school where there are no video cameras, no computers to edit on and no microphones to be heard on, all we can do is watch the videos other students and teachers create from our single laptop and smartboard.

I'd like to change that!  I have three DonorsChoose projects that will give us materials to to start a morning news vlog, create our own history videos and give the students experience with technology they aren't already exposed to.

Please consider helping our cause!  You can see the projects here:Mrs. Sia's DonorsChoose Page
